Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Excited about Preaching!

While I tidy up my Wycliffe room I'm running Ubuntu on Caroline's laptop and ripping Tim Keller talks onto my mobile phone. Last year Tim Keller delivered a series of lectures on preaching at Gordon-Conwell on the topic of Preaching to the Heart. Here are the sessions:
  1. Preaching to the Heart without being Legalistic
  2. Preaching to the Heart without being Piestic
  3. Unintentional Preaching Models
  4. Reading, Preparation, Conversation, and Preaching
  5. Preaching to “Emerging” Culture
  6. Preaching to the Heart without being Individualistic
I ordered these from the Ockenga Institute. It also includes a CD with the PDF files as well - being Tim Keller, we're talking some 40 pages of full script handouts! I haven't listened to them yet (which is why they're going onto my phone) but a glance at the handouts have whetted my appetite. These could be the best resources about preaching I have come across - and I'm speaking as someone who has had some of the best conservative evangelical training going in the UK. I'll post my favourite quotes and ideas as we go on.

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