Thursday, 29 November 2007

A Remembrance Day Sermon

Earlier this month I preached on Remembrance Day (which was a Sunday). My text was Amos 5:24 "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream."

It was part of a series on Amos, otherwise the passage isn't the most obvious choice!

You can find it here courtesy of Google Docs.


Glen said...

Just call him "Golden-mouth VB"! Brilliant! Where does this sermon come from? Spurgeon? Sibbes? Chrysostom? An Apostle? How different to our modern anaemic sermons with their three point lecturing. Here you weave together the Scriptures the way the Scriptures weave together the Scriptures. It's the language of biblical symbolism itself not of some IVP pop-systematics. That's the kind of preaching we need!

Tim V-B said...

Thanks Glen - that's very kind. God was very gracious in allowing me to find the second reading (Isaiah) and as I read it the links just jumped out. I especially liked the link between river of righteousness and God coming like a flood, and then to imagine an enormous wave crashing against sin and - as the spray clears - we see a figure on a cross fighting for breath. I tell you, that was the Spirit- my mind seldom produces anything that visual! I think it might make an awesome piece of video clip.